Thursday, July 5, 2007

Toddler Tantrems

My 3 yr. old has recently started throwing fits. Like any other toddler she has had her moments but never like this. The past few days have been frustrating to say the least. It started at my breastfeeding group last tuesday. She took one of the baby's toys and i said no and gave it back to the mother of the little girl. She proceeded to take it again and i told her that does not belong to you and i said no. I gave it back a second time. She she started whining and threw her arms and face into the coach almost hitting a newborn in the head. I asked her if she wanted to go home and she said no so i said you need to act right then. she continued to throw a fit lying on the floor whining. So i started to load up, putting Aidan in his car seat and she started to get loader because she knew i ment buisiness. I had to stick to my guns on it though otherwise i'm just making idle threats. So we packed up and left. After that we went to eat lunch with her daddy and she started up again in the middle of the resturant. When it was time to eat i took her colors away. She threw her paper down and said "NO". I told her she would not get anymore crayons and if she didn't eat then she would not get anymore food. She ate a few bites and was ok for the remainder of the meal. Later that day we went to my husbands Clinic to get his weight loss med. and i let her color with one of the pens at their office. When it was time to go i asked her to please give the pen back to the lady and she said "NO" so i took it from her and gave it back. Then she threw a kicking screaming fit in the middle of the clinic so i quickly took her out. When we got in the car i told her we are not going to see the fireworks tonigh because you have been acting terrible. I told her what she had done and why i was upset with her. She cryed most of the way home then she appologized on her own with no one telling her to. So i told her if she was good for the rest of the day we would still go to see the fireworks. Later that night we went to see the fireworks and she took a glowstick right out of her cousins hand.. he's a year older then her. I watched her do it so i knew she was to blame so i took it from her and said no mam.. we do not take things from others. She proceeded to throw a fit this time she walked straight up to me and slapped me with both her hands on my arm. By now i have had it with her tantrems and i strapped her in the stroller and pulled the visor over her and said she wasn't going to watch the fireworks and she was in time out. She cried and cried and cried. i left her there for about 15 minutes or so then i took her out and talked to her. I'm trying to understand why all of the sudden she is acting like this. I know most people just say she's just a kid but she knows better and we have been faced with situations like this and she has acted completely different. i ususally only have to tell her once maybe twice to stop doing something and she does. I thought maybe it was because of Aidan getting so much attention from me and everyone else because he's the new baby so i held her while we watched fireworks and played with her and she acted ok the rest of the night. The next day (Yesterday) we went to a redbirds game and we were in the pavilion area. she was standing on a table and at the end of that table it cut off straight sown into the bleachers so i told her to sit down befor she falls. She stood up again and i sat her down myself. she did it agagin while i wasn't watching and fell backwards but some lady caught her thankfully so i put her in the stroller and said she was in time out. after a bit i let her out to run off some steam and she heads for the steps. I said no mam get up here and instead of coming to me she darts off the next step and falls..... I picked her up and said thats why i said no and sat her in her stroller again and we went over to the playground area cause i figured she wouldn't be able to get in trouble there. She is starting to act like a bully around other kids... well really yesterday is the first i have seen her act like that but it's bothering me. Maybe she's just had a bad couple of days or maybe she rebelling for attention because of Aidan. I don't know but it's driving me CRAZY.... I have been really trying to spend individual time with her. reading to her at night, or putting her in the shower with me when i take one, or just laying with her at night because most of the time Aidan sleeps with me now. I just don't know what else to do.

Monday, July 2, 2007


A Little bit about me and mine!
My name is Brooke. I'm 22 years old and I have 2 beautiful children, Karmen(3yrs.) and Aidan(4months). I'm a stay at home mom at the moment but i hope to start school soon. I have been married to my husband for 4 years and we have been together for 9 yrs.. My husband just finished school and is hoping to start the police academy soon.

I host a forum online called Moms of Memphis. It's just a bunch of local mommies sharing pictures and getting together for playgroups, potlucks, mom's nights out, and more. If your a mommy in the Memphis area feel free to come check us out. the url is